Texas Ash Seed Collections

Texas Ash Seed Collections

Following the May 2018 exploration of thirteen reported Texas ash sites Camcore returned to Texas during the last week of June to collect seed from nine of these sites.  Both explorations and collections were successful and would not have been possible without support from Texas State Parks, the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, the Army Corp of Engineers, Austin City Parks, and the Tarrant County Water District.  In total our collections consisted of seed from 80 new Texas ash trees located in nine different populations across central Texas.  This collection captured material from much of the central portion of the species range.  Future Texas ash seed collections will likely target outlier populations in Oklahoma as well as the southern and western edge of the range in Texas.  While collections were a bit on the warm side and some of the samaras were not as mature as we would have liked we were extremely pleased to collect such large crops from so many new trees and make progress on this important conservation project done in collaboration with the US Forest Service.