Genetic Tests and Data Analysis

Genetic Tests and Data Analysis

A young P. maximinoi progeny test planted by Florestas de Niassa, Mozambique.

Camcore has a very large genetic testing program.  Seeds from our gene conservation collections are sent to our lab in North Carolina, and are then redistributed to members to plant provenance-progeny tests on their own lands.  Typically, a member will plant two to four tests of a particular set of provenances and families across their landbase.  These tests are planted in replicated experimental designs, and measured at ages 1, 3, 5, and 8 years.  Also, a particular set of provenances and families will be sent to multiple members, so the same families will be tested across a large number of tests and environments in many different countries.

In addition to the 1st generation provenance-progeny tests described above, we also have 2nd generation progeny tests from a number of species, and an array of species and hybrid trials.  In total, Camcore has measurement data from over 1300 genetic and species trials.  Results from these trials are available to all members.

Data from every test are sent to Camcore, and we analyze each test individually.  In addition, we conduct meta-analyses for all tests of a given species, to understand genotype x environment interaction, and to select provenances and families that show very good adaptability and growth across a range of environments.  These genetic trials are expensive to establish and maintain.  Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, sometimes genetic tests are lost due to fire, frost, animal damage, or other causes.  In Camcore, all members work together, leveraging our work and minimizing our risk.  Data analyses are done with across-site and across-country BLUP analysis (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) to account for different growth rates, different ages, different levels of genotype x environment interaction, and unbalanced data.